Smart Implant Solutions
2024-09-28, 09:00 - 2024-09-28, 23:55

„Work smart, not hard“ – moto, kuriuo vadovaujasi pasitelkiantys inovatyvius sprendimus, lengvinančius kasdienę praktiką, o tuo pačiu teikiančius pacientams greitesnius ir efektyvesnius rezultatus. Rugsėjo 28 d. didžioji IMPLAMEDIKA metų konferencija „Smart Implant Solutions“ Jus pasitiks išskirtinėje, kamerinėje „Pirklių klubo“ aplinkoje, kur kartu su tarptautiniais lektoriais aptarsime šiandien aktualias technikas ir technologijas: Maxilla-for-All® ilgųjų implantų metodiką, kaulo regeneraciją, kompiuteriu valdomą chirurgiją ir kitus skaitmeninius odontologijos sprendimus.


  • Dr. Soheil Bechara (Implamedika)
  • Dr. Ruggero Leoncavallo (JDental Care)
  • Dr. Luigi Canullo (OsteoBiol by Tecnoss)
  • Antonio Torres (JDental Care)
  • Fabio Muscas (JDental Care)
  • Dr. Pawel Szuba-Paszkiewicz (Shining 3D)
8.30 val. Dalyvių registracija / Registration of Participants
9.00 val.
Immediate Implants Unveiled: Mastering Techniques from Single Tooth to Full Arch Restoration
 Immediate implant placement and loading present numerous advantages, encompassing both functional and aesthetic improvements. Moreover, advancements in implant design have minimized the necessity for bone augmentation, thus mitigating associated complications. By employing appropriate techniques and implant systems, we can effectively address all cases with immediate loading, resulting in increased treatment acceptance rates.
10.30 val. Kavos pertraukėlė / Coffee Break
10.45 val.
Maxilla-For-All® Treatment Concept by Using Pterygoid, Trans-sinus and Zygomatic Implants
 Colleagues are increasingly seeking solutions to restore edentulous patients with fixed teeth, even in cases of severe atrophy and poor bone quality. Mastery of extreme cases demands flexibility, agility, and competence. This session targets those already confident in full-arch rehabilitations but who often encounter obstacles with the most challenging cases, particularly in the atrophic maxilla. If you’re seeking solutions, this session is tailored for you. By attending, you’ll expand your treatment options for moderate to severe bone resorption and enhance your ability to offer immediate full-arch protocols to more patients. I’ll demonstrate how to resolve full-arch cases in a single day, without the need for grafting, and with immediate loading. Through the Maxilla-For-All® treatment concept, utilizing pterygoid, trans-sinus, and zygomatic implants, I’ll guide you in effectively addressing 100% of your full-arch cases.
12.15 val. Pietų pertrauka / Lunch Break
13.15 val.
Strategies for a Bio-logic Bone Regeneration
 Bone regeneration can be likened to a complex mathematical equation, where factors such as individual regenerative patterns, anatomical shape of the defect, and surgical/prosthetic strategies all contribute significantly. However, at its core, successful regeneration hinges on key clinical objectives: graft stability, material characteristics, and ensuring waterproof sealing of tissues. In this presentation, we aim to meticulously examine all clinical insights necessary for achieving successful and longitudinally stable regeneration of both hard and soft tissues, spanning from post-extraction site development to the more intricate challenges of bone regeneration in aesthetically sensitive areas.
14.45 val. Kavos pertraukėlė / Coffee Break
15.00 val.
Challenging Complex Cases with Guided Surgery. Tips and tricks for Pterygoid Implant Placement and the New Z-GO™ Guide System for Zygomatic Implant Placement
 JDentalCare has pioneered a groundbreaking solution to revolutionize zygomatic surgery with the introduction of Z-GO™ Guide. This patented guided system offers invaluable support to clinicians tackling challenging and complex cases involving zygomatic implants. In addition to unveiling the Z-GO™ Guide, our presentation will also introduce innovative concepts regarding pterygoid implant placement through guided surgery techniques.
16.00 val.
Digital Occlusion & Team Planning in Full-Arch Implant Cases
 Interdisciplinary communication is crucial for ensuring the safety and predictability of complex cases. Technologies such as IO Scanners, Face Scanners, Smile Design Programs, and proper scan abutment workflows help significantly reduce the stress, time, and costs associated with our procedures, making them repeatable and reliable.
In this presentation, you will learn how to plan and create proper, durable, and stable temporary immediate-load restorations that can be delivered the same or the next day. Additionally, you will learn how to plan and manufacture final full-arch implant restorations using an easy, simple, and predictable 100% digital workflow.
17.00 val. Loterija / Lottery
19.30 val. Aperityvo ir šokių vakaras / Apperitivo and dance evening (@ TRINITY Vilnius)
Paskaitos vyks anglų k.

Kiekvienam dalyviui bus suteikiamas 8 val. profesinio kvalifikacijos tobulinimo pažymėjimas.

Pasibaigus konferencijai, susitiksime taurei ir šokiui aperityvo bare TRINITY, kuriame lauks Italijos kultūros įkvėpti, neįtikėčiausi skonių deriniai, dėl kurių nustebsite ir liksite sužavėti. Baras įsikūręs unikalioje vietoje, autentiškame XVIII a. buvusiame vienuolyne.

Renginio kaina 250€, o visiems dalyviams įteiksime ir dovaną – 2 vnt. „JDental Care“ implantų! 🎁

Į Jūsų klausimus apie renginį mielai atsakysime tel. +370 678 60881 arba el. paštu

Renginio data:
Renginio pradžia:
09:00 - 23:55 val.
Renginio vieta:
„Pirklių klubas“, Gedimino pr. 35, Vilnius / Vakaro programa „Trinity“ GOOGLE ŽEMĖLAPIS
Registracija iki:
2024-09-27 23:59:00 val.
Dalyvio mokestis:
250 €
UAB Implamedika / Sąsk. Nr. LT25 7290 0990 6718 7719 / Mokėjimo paskirtis: Mokestis už 2024 rugsėjo 28 d. kursus, Vardas Pavardė

Registracija į renginį

    Prenumeruokite naujienlaiškį Pirmieji sužinokite apie renginius ir naujienas